1-11-2003 By
Mr. Kim XXXX
Watchtower Bible & Tract Society
The Governing Body of Elders for Jehovah's Witnesses
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483
11, 2003
A Letter of Counsel to the Governing Body of Elders.
Note: With all due respect, a complete copy of this letter should
be provided to each elder for personal reference and for reflection
and thought. This is a four page letter including this page.
I have been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses since around 1969.
First learning the "truth" from the book, The Truth that
leads to eternal life. And I have been baptized for many years. I
enjoy going out on service to talk to people about Jehovah and spread
his word, conduct Bible studies and encourage others to take an interest
in God's Kingdom. Because of the hypocrisy and other ongoing current
events, I currently will not attend any Kingdom Hall. However, I will
continue to speak to others about the Kingdom of God. There are many
fine upstanding people within our worship of Jehovah. However, over
the last twenty years or so, there has been a definite change in people
within Jehovah's Witnesses. Most of the changes have been influenced
and directed by the actions and policies (insinuated and otherwise)
from the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society which is directed and
shepherded by the Governing Body of Elders.
are many issues and problems which have been largely ignored and denied.
Only after public and private investigations, and only after many
Lawsuits have been filed, have these problems started to be addressed.
I encourage you to take the facts, information and questions presented
within the body of this letter and take corrective action to protect
and encourage Jehovah's Witnesses in a positive manner on a worldwide
basis. You know that it is the right thing to do in the eyes of God.
Try to regain some measure of respect and dignity for all of Jehovah's
Witnesses. Many great things have been done in Jehovah's name. Full
credit should be given to everyone that has done his/her best to do
so. However, now is your "wake-up" call --so to speak.
letter does not intend to denigrate or Judge you. The documented facts
speak for themselves. This letter is self-explanatory and it does
not shade or protect anyone. The hard questions, statements, facts
and the truth are put into a straight forward approach. Again, please
understand that now is your "wake-up" call. Brothers, Jehovah's
great day is approaching and all of us must do as Jesus commanded
all of his followers.
As you already know, any creditability that the Watchtower Bible &
Tract Society, Governing Body of Elders, congregation elders, and
the everyday Jehovah's Witness which might of been obtained or earned,
has more or less been voided by hypocrisy, scandal, cover-up, lies,
apathy, and general ignorance. All of this begs the question: What
have you done to God's Organization? The public and many brothers
and sisters of our faith are thinking: Are Jehovah's Witnesses really
God's people? Most Jehovah Witnesses are afraid to ask questions due
to past retaliation from the congregation elders and/or from the Governing
Body of Elders. Are you brothers proud of this? Would it be proper
to say "Jehovah is cleaning out his organization"
when a brother or sister disassociates, drifts away or commits suicide?
There are reasons why
people do what they do. Have you ever inquired as to why some brother
or sister would disassociate, drift away, file a lawsuit, or do something
worse? It is not necessarily about interpretation of scripture or
a lack of love for God. It is a great deal about "using up"
and taking advantage of the humanity within most people and discarding
Due to the commitment required of the Watchtower Bible & Tract
Society (not Jehovah's requirement) and because of the actions and
decisions of the Governing Body of Elders and congregational elders,
a brother or sister's friends, family, education, earning potential,
property, and enjoyment of life opportunities are usually lost forever.
When questions are raised and disagreements come about, the brother
or sister is excommunicated and discarded like everyday trash.
Contrary to the popular thought among the Governing Body of Elders
(and many rank and file Jehovah's Witnesses), Jehovah does not give
complete life and death decisions to a group of mortals concerning
his worship from past, present and future. He will/has made/make those
decisions himself or appoint his son to do so.
For the Governing Body of Elders of Jehovah's Witnesses to make claim
and to make decisions which have often been insinuated to have came
from Jesus Christ or Jehovah God, calls into question the true motive
and operational characteristics of any corporation (religion) which
on closer examination, operates by a different set of rules, values
and ethics than what is given to the average Jehovah's Witness.
Current events such as: a ten year membership of the Watchtower Bible
& Tract Society with the United Nations, the denial, concealment
and a general cover up of child molesters within various congregations
across the United States and elsewhere (Court documents, televised
special reports and in-depth investigations from the United States
and England), the overuse and misapplication of Theocratic warfare
(Lying and deceit) also known as the Rahab technique, the flip flops
and outright changes on various teachings and doctrines using the
excuse of "new light" or "the light is getting brighter",
and the ever increasing "legalism" (magazine articles, procedure
etc.) used at all levels of the Society; brings a grave reproach upon
Jehovah's name. Did not the Apostle Paul warn against replacing faith
in Jesus with observance of Law as salvation? Ga3:1, 2, 11. Such a
great amount of hypocrisy or double standards must be explained to
all Jehovah's Witnesses and to the world in general. What are you
doing about it? Are you saying that you are not responsible? You should
take the lead to rectify past wrongs and mistakes. Please lead by
example. Jehovah expects you to do the righteous thing without being
asked or forced to do it by Caesar's Law. If you made mistakes and
blunders, admit it and correct the problems and do not hide or cover
over the truth or try to change the facts to "save face"
or to hide the truth. You should be honest and trustworthy in all
Why do you think there are so many lawsuits against Jehovah's Witness,
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, Individual Brothers, Kingdom
Halls, etc? Besides the documented facts stated above, here are some
more reasons: It is because of the wrongful acts committed, concealment
of facts, the indifference of the elders, lack of corrective action,
a very self-righteous attitude, hypocrisy, favoritism, a general lack
of love, a misuse and misapplication of Scripture which is often used
to punish and inflict severe emotional duress and trauma. This list
could go on but you understand the manifestations and the ramifications
of what is being said.
Where has the true love and trustworthiness gone? Artificial pleasantries
& phony smiles are abundant in most Kingdom Halls across the United
States and elsewhere. You know this, and many Jehovah's Witnesses
simply play along as if everything is a big game and few have the
courage to say anything about it for fear of retaliation and worse.
True love is not radiating from most of the hearts of fellow believers.
Most brothers and sisters are eager to (and some enjoy) shunning,
marking individuals, disassociating members and the worldly art of
gossiping. Busybodies and nosey people are just as abundant at the
Kingdom Hall as they are everywhere else in the world. Favoritism,
jealousy and "one-upmanship" is common among many including the elders. Comments made in the privacy
of homes are very different from what is "openly" expressed
at the Kingdom Hall or obviously, in any public format. This hypocrisy
is truly incredible. What Jehovah's Witness can be trusted when everyone
is encouraged to spy on one another and invade the privacy of the
individual brother or sister? And don't forget about the theocratic
war strategy. In reality, because of this "strategy" and
other mitigating factors, Jehovah's Witnesses are considered ineligible
for many job opportunities (from knowledgeable employers) which require
a history of trust, emotional stability, rational & analytical
You are (or should be) aware that several brothers have murdered their
family members and then committed suicide. These stories have been
covered in the major news media, with complete investigations and
history of how the Jehovah's Witness religion abandoned them in their
time of need. The facts are there and hard to dispute. Most of these
tragedies could have been and still can be avoided (for future people)
if only true love and brotherhood would have been (will be) extended
to those in need. However, there is far too much Spiritual drunkenness,
self-absorption, and lack of reality within the "rank and file".
Why haven't you addressed these problems and at least try to make
corrections? Do you really care anymore? What about being blood guilty?
It is also apparent that when convenient (but not justified) for the
congregation or for the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, brothers
and sisters are disavowed, discarded and abandoned for personal and/or
corporate gain. It seems the Watchtower Society and the leadership
within this organization have become intoxicated with power, control
and self-righteous behavior including life or death influence over
millions of people. Many, many people have died because of decisions
made by the leadership of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
Why have you allowed this to happen? Will you stop this practice?
Are you not blood guilty? Do not cast blame on the word of God or
use this as an excuse for "your" mandated actions and decisions.
Brothers, you cannot blame this behavior on Satan or other wicked
spirit forces. These problems and deeds are/were caused by the actions
(policies, decisions & attitudes) of men in various positions
of trust within the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society and in the
various congregations. All involved persons should be held accountable
and by your own definition, found "blood guilty." Do you
not agree?
Brothers, you have enjoyed the power and wealth that comes with your
positions and titles within the leadership of the Watchtower Bible
& Tract Society. Will you now accept responsibility for your actions
(or lack there of) that have affected millions of people throughout
the world? The decisions on the issues described in the above paragraphs,
are/were made by the governing body of elders (at various levels)
and passed down to the rest of the flock. The responsibility and fault
(if any) from the misapplication, the pain and suffering, financial
loss, loss of life (suicide and murder) and loss of property, falls
on the leadership that has implemented and/or insinuated these policies
and/or practices. This shall have far reaching affects.
Over the many years since my association and baptism, it has become
more evident that Jehovah's Witnesses are increasingly indoctrinated
to obey and follow a group of men (elders) to do their bidding without
question or thought and in most cases without a sense of consequence.
Sort of like worker drones or robots (without a conscience). There
is nothing wrong with having qualified, ethical and responsible leaders
or of course, a shepherd over the flock. However, most Jehovah Witnesses
have been indoctrinated over a period of time and carefully manipulated
to conform to relinquishing free will, give up analytical thinking,
education, family, friends, social normality, sovereignty and perceptions.
The inability to ask thoughtful questions on important issues has
always been discouraged and in a lot of cases constrained and definitely
looked down upon. Instead of shepherding or leading, there has been
a careful effort to rule, dictate and micro-manage the lives of every
brother or sister including a coerced alienation from everything and
anyone except what was or is approved from the Governing Body of Elders
(Watchtower Bible & Tract society). This is where the "cult"
status and label of the Jehovah's Witness Religion being a cult come
into play. Jehovah does not approve of any of these tactics and techniques.
To insinuate, misapply and to twist Biblical scripture to control
and coerce people for corporate, congregational, financial or personal
gain, is a direct insult to Jehovah and to his son Jesus Christ and
could possibly be considered by God as a sin against the Holy Spirit.
However, that decision is only up to God. Have you given this any
thought at all? Why have you acted this way? What are you going to
do to change, or will you change at all?
It has been said over the years, that there is a need from the Society
for a form of devotion to the Governing Body of Elders that should
be equal to Jesus Christ. As you know brothers, this is wrong. There
is no room for "leader worship". No disrespect intended,
but for the last twenty years there has been an "over emphasis"
placed on the importance of the governing body of elders. You do not
consider yourselves as important as the Lord Jesus Christ, do you?
Many years ago I took an oath and dedication to Jehovah God and to
his son Jesus Christ. I never gave any oath to the Watchtower Bible
& Tract Society, or to any group of human men. To require an oath,
understanding, assumption or agreement to any "organization"
or human as a "go between" or as a perquisite to read and
understand the Bible or as a perquisite to Jesus and than to GOD,
is wrong and contrary to the Laws of Jehovah and is an insult to Jesus
Christ. The only "go between" is Jesus Christ. All of you
brothers are aware of this fact. You do not have the authority from
Jehovah to insinuate or ask allegiance to the Watchtower Bible &
Tract Society or anything else devised by man as a perquisite.
It is my sincere hope that you do not take anything stated within
this letter as a personal attack. This information is provided from
and as the true reality of what has transpired over the years (and
is still going on) within Jehovah's Witnesses, Jehovah's Christian
Witnesses, Watchtower Bible & Tract Society and any other entity
or name that "Jehovah's Witnesses" are currently using or
aspiring to.
As a slave of Jehovah, I will always try to do my best to offer true
worship and service to our great Sovereign God Jehovah, now and for
all eternity.
Yours in Spiritual Truth & Works,
Mr. Kim XXXX