was born into 'the truth' as was my Mother, and her whole family. But,
unlike her family, my Mom married a non-practicing Roman Catholic. I
found out later in life, the only reason my Father married my Mother
was because he was overwhelmed by her zest for life cosidering she was
terminal, and living on borrowed time. My Mom had uncontrolable internal
bleeding, intensified by the fact that her religion shunned blood transfusions.
But, she surprised everyone, by not only surviving, but by doing the
impossible, giving birth to ME!
as far back as I can remember, I was told that "I was a gift from
God".My Mother promised God to bring me up in the 'truth' whether
I liked it or not, and breaking her promise to my Father, that she was
done with Jehovah's Wittnesses.
course, as a child, you never doubt that everyone you spend a minimum
of 5 hours weekly of intensive public Bible Study, at home prayers and
studies and 'door to door' ministries,can be wrong. It's all you've
ever known. Bottom line, you're taught that you're right and the rest
of the world is wrong. But in my circumstance, my own Father was part
of 'the wrong'! I am not proud to admit this, but by the age of 10 or
11, I entertained serious suicidal thoughts. I went so far as to climb
over our 7th and 10th floor balcony in an effort to escape my emotional
turmoil. The ONLY reason that I never jumped at that time, was I didn't
wan't to hurt my folks left behind. There is a J.W. book called "Paradise
Lost, Paradise Gained" which depicts on one of it's pages a mountain
of human bones. I was told that my Daddy was to be part of that pile,if
he didn't convert to 'our way' of thinking.
was it's own nightmare, as all J.W.'s children know. Being ostracized
for not participating in the local anthem or prayer. Not participating
wasn't enough...you were forced to turn it into a production by leaving
the classroom entirely during these ceremonies. As you were for any
classes that had anything to do with 'worldly holiday's'...which was
every time you got over the last one. I remember having a History teacher
in grade 6 that taught the theory of evolution. I was instructed that
I could only attend his class if I could counter everything he taught
with the new J.W. book denouncing any and all thoughts on evolution.
Even though I was an exceptional student, by beliefs cost me many grades.
I never questioned my beliefs untill I had the rare opportunity to make
friends. They were good people, and I couldn't understand why they were
doomed to die in 'Armageddon' and I was to be spared because of a different
religion. Good people are just that..,.good people.
Wittnesses also believe that THEY are your family and you should not
associate with 'worldly people'. That's why they call each other 'brother'
and 'sister' . Well, when my life fell apart, due to divorce, I was
shunned by my 'spriritual' family, and I wasn't yet 15 years old. If
they couldn't comfort me at my time in need, who was left? The REAL
PEOPLE...that's who.
walked out of a Kingdom Hall for the last time when I was 15 years old,
and I will never go back. But, it took me at least 5 years or more to
get all of they're preachings out of my head. With time I have made
quite a few discoveries, the main one being they have mastered a form
of brain washing. Adults have the ability to make the're own choices
in life, be it bad or good, but forcing this idoctrination down the
throats of children should be held accountable.
am a good person! I work hard for a living, and I often put other peoples
needs before my own. I am also intelligent. In that, I have done some
investigation into the roots of Jehovah's Wittnesses, like my Father
before me. What we discovered was, that not only do the majority of
J.W.'s know that one man named William Russell founded their whole belief
sysytem, but more importantly, they don't want to know. And why would
they? It would make their lives a lie. Alot of Jehovah's Wittnesses
use the internet, but they only see what they want to. They don't see
that their 'so called religion' is found under more sites dealing with
cults than actual religion.
closing, now almost 30 years after leaving their cult, my Mom still
thinks I'm just going through a phase. How sad. Even though I now call
myself Agnostic, I thank God for getting me out of their self-righeous
clutches, and treating people for what they truly are...just plain good
folks. If they're not, I try to avoid them. Teach your children to be
loving and honest and not to do anything they wouldn't want done to