Generation That Never Was!"
"Plus The Mirage Facades - The Traumatic
of leaving a cult and my Disassociation
Letter below"
was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, June 6, 1986; I was 14 years
old, on fire with what I felt without a doubt in my mind was the truth.
Just a naive young Puerto Rican from New York City. My father was what
we would dub a worldly man. My mother, a tireless worker in the family
was provider, homemaker, and spiritual leader. My sister when she was
young was more into friendships but like a 2nd mom. You could still
find them both zealously pioneering and pillars in their congregations.
My sister married a great husband and brother in law of mine.
you are occupied with your weekly studies of WT literature, spend many
hours of door ministry and have to deal with the problems I faced it
can be consuming. As a result, life’s pertinent questions are forgotten
in the distractions of a JW’s busy life. The devil wants the ringing
phone of the Lord to go unheard, so he tries to occupy your mind into
ignoring it. Fortunately for me I was not one of the many who allow
the ringing to go unheard. It was distant at times but eventually I
picked up the phone. I felt since we have the truth why should I cower
to some ex JW’s. 1 Peter 3:15 says, "Sanctify the Christ as Lord
in your hearts always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands
of you."
thing that always stood in my mind also was that we had always taught
that the generation of 1914 would not pass away before seeing the end
of the world. The WT society constantly (at assemblies and in the WT
magazines and other literature) made estimates on what age a person
during the time of 1914 had to be to be coherent of the events of that
year. I remember reading 15 years of age and then later it was changed
to being born in 1914. Of course I now realize several ages were used
as a barometer. I also now know 1975 was a date predicted to be the
year for Armageddon’s coming. Well like those who sold their homes because
they implicitly believed Jehovah was speaking through the pages of the
WT, I also felt without a doubt that Armageddon would come before the
generation of 1914 would pass. It was my hope that I for a surety knew
would come. As a young person the one thing I always feared more than
anything in this world was death and old age, but with this hope of
1914 I was assured this could not ever happen. The average life span
for people at their best is maybe 70 to 80 years old. I did the math
just like many other JW’s. If you were born in 1914 and lived let’s
say to be 90 then you and all those born in 1914 would live to the year
2004. And that is a stretch! I will be 33 years of age and in my mind
walking into a paradise Earth. I always figured by 25 or 35 I would
fulfill Rutherford’s talk on ‘Millions Now Living Will Never Die!’ The
concept of death was a very remote thing in my eyes unless I suffered
from some catastrophic ailment or disaster.
wife lost her mother when she was very young over the blood ban teaching
JW’s hold. At times I can feel her pain. Many JW’s have suffered needlessly
over keeping hold of doctrines that have been dropped like the latest
fads. When I hear, read, and see the testimonies of my brothers and
sisters earth wide whom have lost family, homes, and lives over these
off and on teachings it tearfully pains me. It reminds me of what is
said at Isaiah 5:13, "Therefore my people will have to go into
exile for lack of knowledge; and their glory will be famished men (the
governing body) and their crowd (the rank and file JW) will be parched
with thirst."
5 years of marriage I was disgusted by the fraudulent acts of spirituality
by brothers just to get a title of what they feel is a glorified position.
When I was young I was taught there is equality in the organization
unlike the churches which have titles like Reverend and Bishop. That
is clearly an empty statement because in the mind of many brothers they
seek the titles in our organization for their own glorification. And
responsibility is measured with authority. Many develop fraudulent relationships
with Elders and Circuit Overseers to gain a position. Also door ministry
hours increase but after they have received their title usually you
find those hours leveling off. I always felt if I strive for a position
it would be to serve the flock not for self importance.
reason for my change in desire was once again my hopes and dreams were
stripped from me. In 1995 at the ‘ Divine Teaching’ convention the WT
society made a major change in doctrine. They now defined the statement
‘the generation will not pass’ as not meaning those in 1914 would live
to see Armageddon. They now said it meant this wicked generation. Well
this wicked generation has existed for centuries. I suddenly felt the
same sense of betrayal those in 1975 must have felt. I always felt that
teaching was like my ROCK of assurance that I would never grow old and
die. Apparently thousands of other JW’s felt it was their barometer
and countdown for paradise like I did because in the ensuing years the
attendance has dropped at the meetings worldwide. I can only pray that
this is a wake up call for many JW’s that we cannot trust in the utterances
of men for our hopes. Dates, times, and generations have come and went
with their hopes of a better tomorrow. (1874, 1914, 1915, 1920,
1925, 1975, the generation of 1914 that was to never pass, promises
given in the name of God Deut. 18:20 22.)
then got a stable job, having worked the strenuous hours of restaurant
management for 4 years. While on the job I would surf the Internet for
sports. One day I was surfing the net, and I typed in JW’s. To my amazement
there were many XJW web sites. This gave me an opportunity to respond
against people I was raised to detest. I began a quest for truth to
destroy the dark sayings of the devil for good. I labeled myself ‘The
Berean’ ready to answer and expose untruth. At home I wrote long articles
for each claim. I found on many of the claims against the WT I could
easily find a reason but on doctrinal issues it became evident there
were serious flaws. This became even more evident on a web site of associated
JW’s for reform which clearly exposed in great detail, scripturally
and medically, the blood ban as an unreasonable stand.
wanted to feel secure in the religion I’d chosen despite my disappointments.
It all boiled down to the purity of what we call truth. Truth exposes
darkness not the other way around. As a result, truth was becoming clearer
and clearer and this truth was not what was being taught by the WT society.
The scriptures were opening themselves to me as never before. Yet my
pride was preventing me from accepting some truths. Through all of this
my life was being torn apart but I still could not stop. I confided
in my wife and mother on all of the changes I was going through. For
those that may read the next few sentences I do not want to impress
upon any the need to accept the things I have but urge all to investigate
and examine all things you may be taught by the WT or any man. 1 John
4:1 says, "Do not believe every inspired expression but test the
inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because
many false prophets have gone forth into the world."
the last week of June, 1997 right before our District convention something
phenomenal occurred. I’d already realized through a thorough study of
scripture that many of the doctrines we lived by were flawed, but I
was adamant against the teaching of the deity of Christ. So adamant
that I publicly exclaimed to my wife, “I could believe anything but
I could never believe in the trinity.” Yet the weight of mounting flaws
in our present teachings led me to an examination of this teaching,
too. I read as much as I could on it yet couldn’t understand the concept
of God being in heaven and on Earth. No matter how it was explained
by others, even with scriptures, I could not understand. I then did
something that never occurred to me before. I went in prayer to my heavenly
father and asked him to give me understanding of any truths concerning
him. I denied all men and their self accredited knowledge and pleaded
that he teach me through the holy spirit. I felt deep conviction for
my sins against him and begged his forgiveness for my lack of reliance
upon him in the past. I openly acknowledged my failure to come to him
and asked that I now be like a child in his hands, following him to
all doors of truth and not men. While in this prayer I found myself
constantly referring to him as my father instead of calling him by name.
I felt a closeness to him I never felt before. It was a spirit of closeness
as described in Romans 8:15. I confessed Christ as my savior and asked
him to come into my heart. I prayed all of these things in his name
and recognized that salvation comes by his name.
I went to sleep and awoke at an unusually early hour of the morning.
I was drawn to reading the first 3 chapters of Colossians. I came across
Colossians 2:9 and it read, “the Fullness of the deity dwells down in
him bodily.” I went to work, came home, went to sleep that night and
awoke again at an early hour. I was drawn to reading the 1st chapter
of Hebrews in my 8 translation Bible and in every instance it stated,
“Your throne O God is forever.” Well, I went to work still unconvinced
but befuddled; came home and went straight to sleep. I was tired mentally,
being unable to stop thinking about what I was reading. Well, I awoke
this time about 1:00 a.m and I was drawn to reading the Bible. Ironically
it was just an old fashioned NWT. I turned to Rev. chapter 1 for some
odd reason. Jehovah in the NWT is the Alpha and Omega and speaking,
but John says he turned to the voice that was speaking, indicating this
voice was behind him. Well, he turns to Jehovah’s voice and sees Jesus!
What men in their intellect could not teach me was now being taught
by the Spirit of God. John 5:39-40, "You search the scriptures,
because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these
that bear witness of Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me, that you
may have life." That night I wept and denounced all men and
their teachings and vowed to follow where the Holy Spirit would lead
me. In Jesus I have the Bread of everlasting life and I can call on
him for all things! John 14:14 states, “If you ask ME anything
in my name, I will do it!”
I am swimming in the peace of having a loving relationship with my heavenly
Father and Jesus Christ. I love my family so much and only want
the best for all of them. They all fully know the reason for my stand.
I can only hope and pray that one day they answer that distant ringing
phone and hear the beautiful voice of Jesus. While organizations, societies,
and men come and go Jesus is always there unchanging and faithful. I
have formally disassociated myself but am thankful for the time spent
as a JW. It has made me appreciate the liberty of being a Christian
that much more. Math. 7:8, "For everyone who asks receives, and
he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened." Romans
10:11, "For the Scripture says, ‘Whoever believes in Him will
not be disappointed.’
Mirage Facades
The Traumatic experiences of leaving a cult
"Plus my Disassociation Letter below"
Truman Show versus Disney world
I often explain my experiences of leaving a cult,
as likened to having lived an entire life in a world of fantasy. What
would it be like if you were born and raised till age 18 in Disney world?
Your perception of reality would be quite unrealistic. Then all of a
sudden you are told to go get a job and live a normal life. Your kicked
out, forced into a very real world. The trauma of realizing that goofy
and mickey mouse were just people in costumes would cause a psychotic
effect. The idea that the world to you, is rides and cotton candy would
definitely not prepare you for the new life which you are cast into.
The recent movie called, “The Truman Show” engages the unrealistic and
realistic effects that would befall a person cast into such circumstances.
Hopefully these illustrations will prepare you for what a person psychologically
deals with when coming out of a cult or even while still associated
with cults.
Fear of ex-cult members
When I was about 15 years of age, I was a very
dedicated and zealous JW (Jehovah’s Witness). I'll never forget that
I was given my first bible study by a fellow sister. The study ended
very quickly had gone very wrong. I'll never forget the encounter and
my reaction. The study was a married couple, and they wanted to share
something with me. When I came for the study they pulled out several
brochures that was deemed “apostate” as I recognized it right away!
They tried to put it into my hands so I could look it over, but I became
suddenly terrified. I backed away and the fear was very noticeable by
my facial expression. I always associated apostate material with demons
and I was backing away like a vampire in a movie to a crucifix! They
tried to convince me to sit and watch a film on Jehovah’s Witnesses
but I was so scared I had to get out. I told them I would come back
only if they got rid of the literature. But I was so fearful that I
never bothered to return. This same couple, need I say, was very close
to my family. We had previously obtained a family pet from them that
we had cared for years. This fear would reoccur in my awakening years
of this cult I was in.
remember when I had come across Internet information on JW’s, how initially
I was angered, and attempted to refute such information. Eventually,
I became convinced that such information was accurate and was free from
mental enslavement, or was I? After having read, I thought it was time
I speak firsthand to my liberators. Well I first contacted a disfellowshipped
JW in my workplace. In my ignorance I thought all outside of the JW’s
had the inside scoop. It’s so hilarious to look back at such ignorance.
But when I approached I was literally shaking with fear. The lady was
my supervisor and though I spoke about work related things, I was now
violating my shunning rules by seeking spiritual advice. I asked a few
questions about Former Governing body member, Ray Franz and she didn’t
know who he was from Adam. But after that encounter failed, I decided
to call Randy Watters, a former bethelite, whose number I found on the
Internet. I had imagined as I picked up the receiver that I would take
home a 1000 demons and be haunted by them just from phone contact. I
thought snakes would come right through the receiver. It’s almost comedic
to think how unreal such thinking is, but this is not uncommon fears
amongst JW’s whom are told about how demonized apostates are. To my
surprise Randy was just as human as the next person and didn’t speak
with a Freddy Krueger voice or anything remotely demonic. In time I
lost my JW fears and realized that many persons leave and for sound
logical reasons. They all hurt, cry, laugh and live like any normal
Vision of Pain
I'll never forget one night at home in my bed
next to my wife. I was reading Ray Franz’s book and I came to the Malawi
incident. I had read this experience before, but something this night
adversely affected me. Maybe it was that I was reading it from a firsthand
source, by someone who was a body member in Bethel. But to explain this
briefly. The WTS mandated the Malawian JW’s could not purchase a political
coin, even though it is a one party system. That this would be against
their neutral stance in political affairs, yet they deemed it was fine
for Mexican JW’s to bribe officials, to obtain a certificate that says
this person completed one year of military service. A lie and a bribe
all at once which reminds me of Isaiah 33:15 which denounces bribery!
As a result the Malawian JW’s men, women and children were murdered
and raped. Crops and homes were burned and pillaged by the Malawian
government. Well I had read this and my wife asked me to go to the store.
I got up, went to my closet and paused for a moment. In that moment
I imagined a vision of children crying over the murdered bodies of parents
and in the background huts and thatched homes in flames. Women grasping
their murdered babies and in some cases over the bodies of their now
slaughtered husbands, weeping. This image in that pause of time pulled
me to my knees at my closet door. I cried, “Oh God!” And I wept bitterly
sunken low. My wife thought I was having a nervous breakdown. But I
was merely feeling the pain that I was fortunate to not experience.
The pain of my brothers and sisters who died and succumbed to vast amounts
of torture over the whimsical decision of famished men. (Isaiah 5:13,14)
Men who at the drop of a finger chose whom should live and who should
die. (Matt. 23:4) It hurts me deeply to realize that if I was a JW in
another location that my life would have been so toyed with over a double
standard. It’s a tragedy of justice in it’s highest degree.
Cant Believe It’s Not Butter
I'll never forget the last convention I went to.
Me and my wife sat in the high section of the Richmond Coliseum. I had
already accepted Christ as my Lord of which is in my above testimony.
We had a lunch break and I sat there mesmerized in an almost comatose
state, surveying the thousands in attendance. I sat in almost near disbelief
of all I had learned. There were some 8,000 in attendance, and in my
mind I was saying, “This cant be true! Jehovah, how can this be?” I
shook my head and tears began to fall! My wife looked at me and I just
sat there head down crying. I was facing a mountain of undeniable errors,
but I still was clinging to the organization. A heritage that had passed
from grandparents to parent to me. A heritage which contained all my
family and friends. A heritage that I realized was a generational curse
passed to me. I looked out in that arena at what was my entire world
and my family and with tears I said good bye to the mirage. The mirage
then facades, and when I finally reached it, there stood the outreached
and unfailing reality of real truth! Truth not in men and the mirages
of brotherhood in an organization. Real truth in the person of Jesus
Christ! John 14:6- “Jesus said to him: I Am The Way And the truth and
the life. No one comes to the father except through me!”
My Disassociation Letter
the Elders of the Suitland Congregation
and the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses:
recent months I have found some disheartening facts that have deemed
my actions forthwith
today. It is based upon the statement made by Joseph Rutherford that
has substantiated
the necessity of my investigative powers. And I quote, “Error always
seeks the dark, while truth is enhanced by the light. Error never desires
to be investigated. Light always courts a thorough and complete investigation.”
(Millions Now Living Will Never Die, p.13) What I found in my investigation
was tragic at best!
letters have a beginning, and thus I shall start with a doctrine that
has cost many ones their eternal salvation. This is also a pattern
of already fallen doctrine, what you would call old light. But I am
more prone to believe it for the darkness it really is in agreement
with The Commentary on the Letter of James. And I quote: “For God is
he who said: ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ In its rising and setting,
the sun casts shadows of changing length and intensity. Depending on
the position of the Earth in its rotation and its orbit, considerable
variation occurs in the way that the sun’s radiant heat and light are
distributed. Unlike the sun, the Creator of the heavenly bodies is not
subject to changes. There is no variation with him.” Also 1 John
1:5 and Isaiah 5:20 harmonizes with the above quote showing that God
does not change his ways like the WTS has changed it’s doctrines.
doctrine costing people’s loss of salvation is the Great Crowd will
exist on Earth as
opposed to heaven. While many persons would
choose to speak of numerous other errors which have caused loss or life
in this world, I chose this one as the worst discrepancy due to its
eternal rape of everlasting life! People in many cases have chosen the
WT society’s way of worship due to its fantastic dreamlike hope of a
Paradise Earth. Does this have scriptural basis? While the Bible
does speak of a transformed earth, it is very clear that the Great Crowd
are not the inheritors of this reality, but rather the repentant survivors
of a wicked world are. (Zech. 14:16) The concept of an earthly hope
was never incepted by the 1st Century Christians all of which enjoyed
a heavenly hope. It is rather a complete fabrication taken out of context
by the WT society in 1935. C.T. Russell, the founder, would be rolling
in his grave at the very concept of such a doctrine! It is very clear
that there are only two instances a Great Crowd is mentioned in Revelation,
and both times they are placed in heaven. Rev. 19:1 bluntly has them
there, crying salvation in heaven to God. The same cry of salvation
is in Rev. 7:10 by the Great Crowd! Rev. 19:1 cannot possibly
be regarded
as angels, because they do not receive salvation. To discard that scripture
as a different Crowd is very inconsistent with the context of Revelation!
I truly find it hard to believe that Revelation would speak of two different
Great Crowds, narrowing the Biblical reference of a Great Crowd to one
time in the Bible! Regardless, there is enough evidence even in the
7th chapter to validate that this is clearly a heavenly Crowd!
In verse 15 of the 7th chapter, they are before (enopion--literally
‘in the sight of’) the throne in the Temple (naos--divine sanctuary,
Most Holy, divine habitation) of God! Your own Kingdom Interlinear approves
of such a definition.
WT of 8/15/80 and 2/1/98 do not clarify this dilemma. The 2/1/98 WT,
in particular, plays rigamaroll with the 144,000 stating they are in
the Temple with the Great Crowd, but negates to mention the significance
of both classes existing in that Temple! Namely that the Temple represents
heaven itself. Selective amnesia? This in all essence means that the
millions that have passed the cup and plate without partaking have had
eternity symbolically flaunted by their prospective noses within inches.
It seems that Matthew 23:13, and Isaiah 5:13,14 come to life in view
of the millions that have died believing in this doctrine. This pains
me more than all the bad dates the society has predicted combined! Jesus
clearly stated at John 6:53, “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of
man and drink his blood you have no life in yourselves!” At Philippians
3:17-21, Paul clarifies the difference between persons whom seem to
be Christians and true Christians, climaxing with the statement, “As
for us our citizenship is in the heavens...” Here is true loss of life
that can never be restored, taking away persons salvation. (2 Peter
will touch on the physical losses of this world. It is very clear
when looking at the WT history
of medical science that our leadership has been ignorant as to its application
in scripture. I present the following as evidence of the WT society’s
capabilities in judging for others as absolutely fallible and destructive!
Rabies is nonexistent--GA 1/1/23 p.214; germs don’t cause disease--GA
1/16/24 p.250; vaccinations are useless--GA 2/4/31 p.294; vaccines cause
demonism--GA 2/4/31 p.293; blood is nutrition--WT 7/1/51 p.415; organ
donation a conscience matter--WT 8/1/61 p.480; organ transplants cannibalism--WT
11/15/67 p.702; organ transplants no longer cannibalism--WT 3/15/80
and again WT policies have been detrimental to its own followers, and
with no basis
but pure speculation for its grounds for these death dealing policies.
Have JW’s had free choice in such matters of life and death? No,
many died for the vaccination ban as well as the organ transplant ban.
Others went blind for lack of cornea transplants adhering to current
WT policy. All of these policies have changed years later! When the
choices are loss of communication with your entire social community
for violation of policy or death by adhering to it, which one is worse?
These were the choices made by dedicated JW’s for past policies, and
are continuing today with the enduring blood ban policy. If the WT society
was wrong on previous views of medical care and scriptural application,
couldn’t the leadership be wrong on this policy as well?!?
WT society has purposely taken a medical term out of context. The WT
society uses the term ‘intravenous feeding’, but it is metaphoric in
the absolute, no less than saying it’s raining cats and dogs! Blood
that is eaten is digested through the stomach and than proceeds through
the intestines, but this does not occur with transfusions. While blood
is just as much an organ as kidneys, heart, liver, etc., it acts as
a vehicle in intravenously, providing nutrients, vitamins and minerals
throughout the body. It is not a digestible product. While the WT society
does allow certain blood components such as albumin, immoglobulin, and
RH factors 4-7, the reasoning is that these certain components pass
through the placenta from a mother to her unborn child. Well if that
is the reasoning, than the 11/17/93 Journal of American Medicine Association
(JAMA) has purported for years that whole blood passes through the placenta,
meaning Jehovah allows blood transfused naturally! I do recognize that
most of the medical advice in error of the past was the idealogies of
C.J. Woodworth, your former editor, but why continue his legacy of medical
quackery with the blood ban?
strict adherence to the ban is necessary to appease Jehovah’s wrath,
why is it you allow blood fractions or organ donations which contain
whole blood? Kidneys, liver, and heart consist of nearly 30% blood unto
itself, according to JAMA. Why play with disaster and even allow fractions?
Another example of medical metaphoric terminology is the phrase ‘blood
fractions’. It does not mean a small amount of blood, but rather mass
quantities of fractioned blood is necessary for transfusions which is
pooled by many persons for supposed fractions. There are so many other
validations for disposal of this unsound life- costing doctrine, but
I’d rather allow a quote from the Consolation to sum it up: “Consolation
Sept. 1945 p.29 (Dutch ed.) “God has never published a decree which
forbids employing medicine, injections, and blood transfusions. It is
a human invention like the Pharisees disregard for mercy and Grace.
To serve Jehovah with all the mind does not mean to put our intelligence
in a box. Principally because there is a human life at stake. The life
being of great value is holy to Jehovah.” And I ask, whatever happened
to this very sane type of logic I see reflected in the Consolation above
thought that reform was possible, but in light of this historical consistency
of abuse, it seems
very clear that this would destroy the institution. Matthew 9:16,17
also shows that this is like putting new wine into old wineskins, the
wineskins would burst! The leadership has tried so hard to preserve
its legacy despite whoever it might destroy in its quest for preservation.
And I quote from scholar Daniel Taylor's book, The Myth of Certainty:
“The primary goal of all institutions and subcultures is self-preservation.
Preserving the faith is central to God's plan for human history; preserving
particular religious institutions is not. Do not expect those who run
the institutions to be sensitive to the difference. God needs no particular
person, church, denomination, creed or organization to accomplish his
purpose. He will make use of those, in all their diversity, who are
ready to be used, but will leave to themselves those who labor for their
own ends. Nonetheless, questioning the institutions is synonymous, for
many, with attacking God--something not long to be tolerated. . . .
Actually, they are protecting themselves, their view of the world, and
their sense of security. The religious institution has given them meaning,
a sense of purpose, and, in some cases, careers. Anyone perceived as
a threat to these things is a threat indeed. This threat is often met,
or suppressed even before it arises, with power. . . . Institutions
express their power most clearly by enunciating, interpreting and enforcing
the rules of the subculture. Every institution has its rules and ways
of enforcing them, some clearly stated, others unstated but no less
faced with the many false prophetic dates of an ending civilization,
has there ever been any true repentance? I took special note of the
following quotes: WT 6/15/74 p.381- “Similarly the false prophet is
not a person but is a system or an organization.” (self condemnatory
isn’t it?) Also Isaiah 5:21 comes to life in light of the following
quote... WT 6/1/97 p.14--“Modesty on the part of the faithful and discreet
slave class prevents it from presumptuously running ahead and wildly
speculating about things that are unclear. The slave class strives to
avoid being dogmatic. How reassuring it is to know that the channel
Jehovah is using today does not do so! It is both faithful and discreet.”
That is just about the most dishonest statement ever recorded by the
WT society in light of 1874, 1881, 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925,1975 and the
generation of 1914 that was supposedly to never pass, all dates given
for the end! I feel the WT society has fallen into the pits of its very
own statements of the WT Mar 1893, p. 1504, "...we have pointed
out continually the tendency of Christian people toward union, showing,
too, that such a union is predicted in scripture; but that its results,
while designed to be good, will really be bad; and this because it will
be a mechanical union instead of a heart unity." And last but certainly
not least I wholeheartedly agree with the following quote from the WT
1895 p.216, “Beware of ‘organization’, it is wholly unnecessary. The
Bible rules will be the only rules you will need. Do not seek to bind
others’ consciences, and do not permit others to bind yours. Believe
and obey as far as you can understand God’s word to-day.”
is clear Russell was a contemporary reformer of his time, as well as
John Smith, Ellen G. White, William Miller and others. And reform can
easily be distinguished as opposition or apostasy to be so blunt. It
is my discernment that the 1800's sprung forth Russell and others already
aforementioned in fulfillment of 2 Tim. 4:3, which states, “For there
will be a period of time when they will not put up with healthful teaching,
but, in accord with their own desires accumulate teachers for themselves
to have their ears tickled.” At what started with no intentions of harm
has become a magnum of destructive power laid in religious rules and
policies! You have, as Matthew 23:5 states, ‘broadened the scripture
containing cases’ to the detriment and harm and salvation cost of others!
How it pains me to do so, but I do disassociate myself from the Watchtower
society, in an effort to be separated from the great sins my former
religion is responsible for against God and others, thus keeping myself
free from blood guilt! I do not regard any of Jehovah’s Witnesses as
my enemies, but pray and love them hoping that they will see through
the deceptions flayed before them.
it be known that I am disassociating myself, and that if any defamation
of my name or character is made, then I will be forced to take legal
action. Defamation would include disfellowshipping me as opposed to
acknowledging my request for disassociation! I only hope and pray that
those few men will come to Christ in true repentance over the great
wrongs they have committed to those whom have been so loyal to their
direction, and redirect such ones to a personal relationship with Jesus
Christ! John 8:24-I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your
sins: for except ye believe that I am, ye shall die in your sins.
Fervent Prayers,
("Gusdaberean" on H20 & Watchtower Review) |