You Can't Associate With... |
or Disassociated as per WTBTS |
*** w81 9/15 23-4 Disfellowshiping-How
to View It ***
16 Persons who make themselves “not of our sort” by deliberately
rejecting the faith and beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses should appropriately
be viewed and treated as are those who have been disfellowshiped for wrongdoing.
17 Though Christians enjoy spiritual fellowship when they discuss or study the
Bible with their brothers or interested persons, they
would not want to have such fellowship with an expelled sinner (or one who has renounced the faith
and beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses, disassociating himself). The expelled person has been ‘rejected,’ being “self-condemned”
because of “sinning,” and those in the congregation both accept God’s judgment
and uphold it. Disfellowshiping, however, implies more than ceasing to have
spiritual fellowship.—Titus 3:10, 11.
18 Paul wrote: “Quit mixing in company . . . , not even
eating with such a man.” (1 Cor. 5:11) A meal is a time of relaxation
and socializing. Hence, the Bible here rules out social
fellowship, too, such as joining an expelled
person in a picnic or party, ball game, trip to the beach or theater, or sitting
down to a meal with him. (The special problems involving
a relative who has been disfellowshiped are considered in the following article.)
*** w81 9/15 26 If a Relative
Is Disfellowshiped . . . ***
2 God had purposed that families should be united in true worship, so religious
beliefs would not create any divisions. But incidents occurred in which religion
became a family issue. One of these was when Korah, Dathan and Abiram rebelled.
Jehovah confirmed that he was dealing through Moses and Aaron, not through these
religious rebels. Then Moses told the people to get away from the rebels’ tents.
What would the children and households of Korah, Dathan and Abiram do? Would
they put loyalty to family ahead
of loyalty to Jehovah and his congregation? Most
of those closely related to the rebels put family before
God. Jehovah executed these relatives along with the rebels. —Num.
*** w81 9/15 29 If a Relative
Is Disfellowshiped . . . ***
18 The second situation that we need to consider is that involving
a disfellowshiped or disassociated relative
who is not in the immediate family circle or
living at one’s home. Such a person is still related by blood or marriage, and
so there may be some limited need to care for necessary family matters. Nonetheless,
it is not as if he were living in the same home where contact and conversation
could not be avoided. We should keep clearly in mind the Bible’s inspired direction: “Quit mixing in company with anyone
called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person . . . , not even eating
with such a man.”—1 Cor. 5:11.
*** w81 9/15 30 If a Relative
Is Disfellowshiped . . . ***
21 Great care needs to be exercised that a person’s situation as a disfellowshiped
sinner is neither overlooked nor minimized. As the sons of Korah well demonstrated, our chief loyalty must be to Jehovah and
his theocratic arrangement. We
can be sure that when we uphold his standards and prefer association with his
organized people, rather than with wrongdoers, we will have his protection and
blessing.—Ps. 84:10-12.
*** w81 9/15 30 If a Relative
Is Disfellowshiped . . . ***
22 Normally, relatives are often together at meals,
picnics, family reunions or other social gatherings. But when someone has unrepentantly
pursued sin and has had to be disfellowshiped, he may
cause difficulties
for his Christian relatives in regard to such gatherings. While they realize
that they are still related
to him, they do not want to ignore Paul’s advice that faithful Christians should
“quit mixing incompany” with an expelled sinner.
23 There is no point in looking for some rule as to family members being at
gatherings where a disfellowshiped relative might be present. This would be
something for those concerned to resolve, in keeping with Paul’s counsel. (1
Cor. 5:11) And yet it should be appreciated that if a disfellowshiped person
is going to be at a gathering to which nonrelative Witnesses are invited, that
may well affect what others do. For example, a Christian
couple might be getting married at a Kingdom Hall. If a disfellowshipedrelative
comes to the Kingdom Hall for the wedding, obviously he could not be in the
bridal party there or “give
away” the bride. What, though, if there is a wedding feast or reception? This
can be a happy social occasion,
as it was in Cana when Jesus attended. (John 2:1, 2) But will the disfellowshiped
relative be allowed
to come or even be invited? If he was going to attend, many Christians, relatives
or not, mightconclude that they should not be there, to eat and associate with
him, in view of Paul’s drections at 1Corinthians 5:11.
*** w88 4/15 28 Discipline That Can
Yield Peaceable Fruit ***
What About Relatives?
11 God certainly realizes that carrying out his righteous
laws about cutting off wrongdoers often involves and affects relatives. As mentioned
above, when an Israelite wrongdoer was executed, no more family association
was possible. In fact, if a son was a drunkard and a glutton, his parents were
to bring him before the judges, and if he was unrepentant, the parents were
to share in the just executing of him, 'to clear away what is bad from the midst
of Israel.' (Deuteronomy 21:18-21) You can appreciate that this would
not have been easy for them. Imagine, too, how the wrongdoer's brothers, sisters,
or grandparents felt. Yet, their putting loyalty to their
righteous God before family affection could be lifesaving for them.
12 Recall the case of Korah, a leader in rebellion against God's leadership
through Moses. In his perfect justice, Jehovah saw that Korah had to die. But
all loyal ones were advised: "Turn aside, please, from before the tents
of these wicked men and do not touch anything that belongs to them, that you
may not be swept away in all their sin." Relatives who would not accept
God's warning died with the rebels. But some of Korah's relatives wisely chose
to be loyal to Jehovah, which saved their lives and led to future blessings.-Numbers
16:16-33; 26:9-11; 2 Chronicles 20:19.
13 Cutting off from the Christian congregation does not involve immediate death,
so family ties continue. Thus, a man who is disfellowshipped
or who disassociates himself may still live at home with his Christian wife
and faithful children. Respect for God's judgments and the congregation's action
will move the wife and children to recognize that by his course, he altered
the spiritual bond that existed between them. Yet, since his being disfellowshipped
does not end their blood ties or marriage relationship, normal family affections
and dealings can continue.
14 The situation is different if the disfellowshipped
or disassociated one is a relative living outside the immediate family circle
and home. It might be possible to have almost no contact at all with the relative. Even if there were some family matters requiring contact, this certainly
would be kept to a minimum, in line with the divine principle: "Quit mixing
in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person
[or guilty of another gross sin], . . . not even eating with such a man."-1
Corinthians 5:11.
15 Understandably, this may be difficult because of emotions
and family ties, such as grandparents' love for their grandchildren. Yet, this
is a test of loyalty to God, as stated by the sister quoted on page 26.
Anyone who is feeling the sadness and pain that the disfellowshipped relative
has thus caused may find comfort and be encouraged by the example set by some
of Korah's relatives.-Psalm 84:10-12.
August 2002 Kingdom Ministry

Apostaste is one who does not believe the way the WTBTS does |
*** w83 4/1 24 Reject Apostasy,
Cling to the Truth! ***
Attitude Toward Apostates
17 Christians are to be hospitable, but not toward apostates
from the true faith. (1 Peter 4:9) John made this clear in saying: “If
anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into
your homes
or say a greeting to him. For he that says a greeting to him is a sharer in
his wicked works.” (2 John
10, 11) The “deceivers” were traveling about and actively spreading false teaching.
Of course, it would have been wrong for any dedicated
Christian to extend the hand of fellowship to them by allowing these false teachers
into his home. It would also have been improper to give the apostates any kind
of greeting,
whether it was welcome on their arrival or “God speed” at their departure. (Authorized Version) No loyal Christian would wish a deliberate promoter of
false doctrine success in his work. Certainly, then, no faithful witness
of Jehovah would socialize with such an individual.—1
Corinthians 5:11-13.
18 Moreover, if a dedicated servant of Jehovah were to entertain such a deceptive
teacher in his home, he would become “an accomplice” in the “wicked deeds” of
that person. (The New English Bible) Therefore, no loyal
modern-day witness of Jehovah would greet a disfellowshipped or disassociated
apostate or allow that
one to use his Christian home as a place from which to spread doctrinal error.
Surely, there would be grave
accountability before God if a believer extended hospitality to an apostate
and this resulted in the spiritual
death of a fellow worshiper of Jehovah.—Compare
Romans 16:17, 18; 2 Timothy 3:6, 7.
19 Some who once served as Jehovah’s Witnesses have rejected various Scriptural
views based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles. For instance,
they insist that we are not living in the “last days,” despite overwhelming
evidence that we are. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) These apostates ‘have gone out from
us because they were not of our sort.’ (1 John 2:18, 19) Hence, they no longer
have fellowship with loyal anointed witnesses of Jehovah and their companions,
and therefore these self-seeking heretics have no “sharing” with the Father
and the Son, no matter how much they may boast of having intimacy with God and
Christ. Instead, they are in spiritual darkness. (1 John 1:3, 6) Lovers
of light and truth must take a firm stand
against these promoters of false teaching. In no way do loyal witnesses of Jehovah
want to be accomplices
in the “wicked deeds” of such unfaithful persons by supporting their ungodly
words and activities
in any manner. Rather, may we “put up a hard fight for the faith that was once
for al time delivered
to the holy ones.”—Jude 3,
4, 19.
*** w93 8/1 16 Let No One Spoil
Your Useful Habits ***
7 How can we apply Paul’s warning about associations? He did not mean that we
should decline to help someone in the congregation who was finding it hard to
understand a Bible verse or teaching. Indeed, Jude 22, 23 urges us to give merciful
help to sincere ones with such doubts. (James 5:19, 20) Paul’s fatherly counsel,
however, should certainly come into play if someone keeps
taking exception to what we know
to be Bible truth or keeps making comments of a skeptical or negative nature.
We should be on guard
against association with that type of person. Of course, if someone became definitely
apostate, the spiritual
shepherds would have to act to protect the flock.—2
Timothy 2:16-18; Titus 3:10, 11. |
Association per the WTBTS |
*** w94 2/15 24 Keep Your Distance
When Danger Threatens ***
We must also be on guard against extended association
with worldly people. Perhaps it is a neighbor, a school
friend, a workmate, or a business associate. We
may reason, ‘He respects the Witnesses, he leads a clean life, and we do talk
about the truth occasionally.’ Yet, the experience of others proves that in
time we may even find ourselves preferring such worldly
company to that of a spiritual brother or sister.
*** km 6/89 1-2 Enjoying Theocratic
Association ***
5 One cannot walk with God while running in association with those of the wicked
and sick society that approves of everything that God abhors. The Bible warns:
“Bad associations spoil useful habits.” (1 Cor. 15:33) Some
in the congregation may be inclined to invite worldly acquaintances and unbelieving
relatives who
have no interest in the truth to social gatherings, thinking that this will
encourage them to accept the truth.
However, is this wise and in harmony with the Scriptures?
6 We have been counseled to be cautious in our dealings
with men of the nations, unbelievers, and ordinary persons. (See the
November 15, 1988, issue of The Watchtower, pages 15-16.) Why
should we have unnecessary social contact with people who still pursue worldly
ways and who have not become worshipers of Jehovah? (2 Cor. 6:14, 15)
Some who are negligent spiritually may seek out others who also hold on to worldly
thinking and ways instead of seeking association with mature Christians who
could help them become strong in the faith. They fail
to appreciate that attendance at social gatherings with worldly, unprincipled
people can weaken their faith and corrupt them.—Compare 2 Thessalonians
3:14, 15.
*** w87 11/1 18 Are You Remaining
Clean in Every Respect? ***
Many brothers, for example, drop their moral guard during vacation periods. Neglecting theocratic association,
they strike up friendships with worldly vacationers. Reasoning that these are
‘really nice people,’
some Christians have joined them in questionable activities. Similarly, others
have become overly friendly
with their workmates. One Christian
elder became so involved with a female employee that he abandoned his family
and took up living with her! Disfellowshipping resulted. How true the Bible’s
words, “Bad associations spoil useful habits”!—1 Corinthians 15:33.
*** w93 8/1 18-19 Let No One
Spoil Your Useful Habits ***
13 Christians want to be friendly with workmates, and many experiences bear out how effective this can be in opening the way for
giving a witness. A fellow worker could misinterpret friendliness,
however, as inviting
association in order to have a good time together. He or she might extend a
casual invitation to lunch,
to a brief stop after work for a drink, or to some recreation on the weekend.
This person mightappear kind and clean-cut, and the invitation might seem innocent.
Yet, Paul advises us: “Do not be misled.”
14 Some Christians have been. They gradually developed
a relaxed attitude toward association with workmates.
Maybe it grew out of a common interest in a sport or a hobby. Or a non-Christian
on the job might
be exceptionally kind and thoughtful, which led to spending increasing amounts
of time with thatone, even preferring such company to that of some in the congregation. Then the association might
lead to missing just one meeting. It could mean being out late one evening and
breaking the pattern of sharing in the field ministry in the morning. It could
result in watching a film or a video of a type that the Christian normally would
refuse. ‘Oh, that would never happen to me,’ we might think. But most of those
who have been misled may first have responded that way. We need to ask ourselves,
‘Just how determined am I to
apply Paul’s counsel?’
15 What we just considered as to the workplace applies
also to our association with neighbors. Certainly, the
Christians in ancient Corinth had neighbors. In some communities it is normal
to be quite friendly and supportive
of neighbors. In rural areas neighbors may rely on one another because of isolation.
Family ties are
particularly strong in some cultures, giving rise to many invitations to meals.
Obviously, a balanced view
is important, as Jesus manifested. (Luke 8:20, 21; John 2:12) In our dealings
with neighbors and relatives,
are we inclined to carry on as we did before we became Christians? Rather, should
we not now review
such dealings and consciously determine what limits are appropriate? 16 Jesus once likened the word of the Kingdom to seeds that “fell alongside
the road, and the birds came and ate them up.” (Matthew 13:3, 4, 19) Back then,
soil along a road became hard as many feet walked back and forth on it. It is
that way with many people. Their lives are filled with neighbors, relatives,
and others coming and going, keeping them busy. This, as it were, tramples the
soil of their hearts, making it hard for seeds of truth to take root. A similar
unresponsiveness could develop in one who is already a Christian.
17 Some worldly neighbors and relatives may be friendly
and helpful, though they have consistently shown neither
interest in spiritual things nor love for righteousness. (Mark 10:21, 22; 2
Corinthians 6:14) Our becoming
Christians should not mean that we become unfriendly, unneighborly. Jesus counseled
us to manifest
genuine interest in others. (Luke 10:29-37) But equally inspired and necessary
is Paul’s counselto be careful about our associations. As
we apply the former counsel, we must not forget the latter. If we do not keep
both principles in mind, our habits can be affected. How do your habits compare
with those of your neighbors or relatives as respects honesty or obeying Caesar’s
law? For instance, they may feel that at tax time, underreporting income or
business profits is justified, even necessary for survival. They might speak
persuasively about their views over a casual cup of coffee or during a brief
visit. How could that affect your thinking and honest habits? (Mark 12:17; Romans
12:2) “Do not bemisled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.”
*** w93 4/15 15-16 Youths-What
Are You Pursuing? ***
8 Some worldly youths may seem nice simply because they
do not smoke, use bad language, or engage in
immoral sex. If they are not pursuing righteousness, though, their fleshly thinking
and attitudes can easily
rub off on you. Besides, how much could you have in common with unbelievers? (2 Corinthians 6:14-16) Why,
the spiritual values you hold dear are mere “foolishness” to them! (1 Corinthians
2:14) Could you maintain their friendship without compromising your principles?
9 So keep clear of unwholesome associates. Limit your
association to spiritually minded Christians who really
love Jehovah. Be careful even of youths in the congregation who are negative
or critical. As you grow spiritually,
your taste in friends will likely change. Says one teenage Witness girl: “I
have been making new friends in different congregations. It has made me realize
how unnecessary worldly friends are.”
*** w88 4/15 27 Discipline
That Can Yield Peaceable Fruit ***
7 Christians do not hold themselves aloof from people. We
have normal contacts with neighbors, workmates,
schoolmates, and others, and witness to them even if some are ‘fornicators,
greedy persons, extortioners,
or idolaters.’ Paul wrote that we cannot avoid them completely, ‘otherwise we
would have to get
out of the world.’ He directed that it was to be different, though, with “a
brother” who lived like that:“Quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother
that [has returned to such ways], not even eating with
such a man.”—1 Corinthians 5:9-11; Mark 2:13-17.
8 In the apostle John’s writings, we find similar counsel that emphasizes how
thoroughly Christians are to avoid such ones: “Everyone
that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God . . . If
anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into
your homesor say a greeting to him. For he that says a greeting [Greek, khai'ro]
to him is a sharer in his wicked works.”—2
John 9-11. |
WTBTS says they are the only true religion |
*** w81 11/15 16-17 'Stay Awake
and Keep Your Senses' ***
3Any person who wants to survive into God’s righteous
new order urgently needs to come into a right relationship
with Jehovah and His earthly organization now.
*** w83 2/15 12 You Can Live
Forever in Paradise on Earth-But How? ***
A third requirement is that we be associated with God’s
channel, his organization. God has always used an
organization. For example, only those in the ark in Noah’s day survived the
Flood, and only those associated
with the Christian congregation in the first century had God’s favor. (Acts
4:12) Similarly, Jehovah
is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. To receive everlasting
life in the earthly
Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it. |
WTBTS says all other religions are false and are from the Devil |
*** w91 12/1 13 Breaking Free
From False Religion ***
Such Babylonish doctrines as the immortality of the soul, a burning hell,
and the Trinity were incorporated into the teachings of apostate Christianity. The Catholic, the Orthodox, and later the Protestant churches all adopted these
false dogmas and, therefore, became a part of Babylon the Great, the Devil’s
world empire
of false religion.
*** rs 49 Babylon the Great
Babylon the Great Definition: The world empire of false
religion, embracing all religions whose teachings and practices do not
conform to the true worship of Jehovah, the only true God. Following the Flood
of Noah’s day, false religion had its beginning at Babel (later known as Babylon).
(Gen. 10:8-10; 11:4-9) In time, Babylonish religious beliefs and practices spread
to many lands. So Babylon the Great became a fitting name for false religion
as a whole.
*** w89 4/1 30 Questions From
Readers ***
As parts of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false
religion, both Catholicism and Protestantism have been deeply involved
with the commercial and political elements of this world. (Revelation 17:1-6;
18:1-19) True, an individual Protestant denomination may have less influence
than the powerful Roman Catholic Church. But the many Protestant churches combined
outstrip the one Catholic Church in power and influence. For instance, Protestantism
exerts great influence in certain prominent industrial countries, with some
Protestant clergymen seeking high political office. So this is one way in which
Protestantism, with its many denominations, has defiled herself even more than
*** kl 125-6 13 Why Living
a Godly Life Brings Happiness ***
15 Being “no part of the world” also means breaking off
all association with “Babylon the Great,” the world empire
of false religion. Unclean
worship spread from ancient Babylon until it held harmful spiritual dominion
over people earth wide. “Babylon the Great” embraces all
religions whose doctrines and practices
are out of harmony with the knowledge of God. (Revelation
17:1, 5, 15) No faithful worshiper ofJehovah will engage in interfaith activities by sharing
in worship with different religions or by having spiritual
fellowship with any part of Babylon the Great. (Numbers
25:1-9; 2 Corinthians 6:14) Consequently, many new Bible students send a letter
of resignation to the religious organization to which they belong. This has
brought them closer to the true God, as promised: “‘Get out from among them,
and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’;
‘and I will take you in.’” (2
Corinthians 6:17; Revelation 18:4, 5) Is not such acceptance by our heavenly
Father what you keenly esire?
*** w94 3/1 11 Jehovah's Judgment
Against False Teachers ***
If Christendom’s religious prophets were standing in Jehovah’s intimate
group, in close relationship with him as though a faithful and discreet servant,
then they too would be living by God’s standards. They too would have been making
the peoples of Christendom hear God’s own words. Instead, the
modern-day false
teachers have made their followers blinded servants of God’s Adversary, Satan
the Devil.
** w93 4/1 16 Who Are Following
the Light of the World? ***
Christendom, with her divisive religions, certainly is not shining as an illuminator.
In fact, the clergy are like the religious leaders in Jesus’ day. They
are not reflecting the true light from God and Christ. Thirty-three years
ago, the magazine Theology Today said: “Regretfully it must be acknowledged
that this light does not shine in the Church with commanding brilliance. . .
. The Church has tended to become more and more like the communities with which
it is surrounded. It is not so much the light of the world as rather a reflector
of lights which shine in the world itself.” And Christendom’s
condition is even worse today. The so-called
light that she reflects from the world is in reality darkness because that is
all Satan and his world have
to offer. No, there is no light of truth coming from the conflicting and thoroughly
worldly religions of
12 It can confidently be said that the new world society of Jehovah’s Witnesses
is the true, light-bearing organization
today. Unitedly, all its members—men,
women, and young ones alike—let their light from Jehovah and Christ shine before
all mankind.
*** sh 369-70 16 The True God
and Your Future ***
8 This identification of Babylon the Great is confirmed by an angel’s condemnation
of her for her “spiritistic practice [by which] all the nations were misled.”
(Revelation 18:23) All forms of spiritism are religious
and demon-inspired.
(Deuteronomy 18:10-12) Thus, Babylon the Great must symbolize a religious entity.Biblical
evidence shows that she is Satan’s entire world empire of false religion, promoted
by him in the minds
of men in order to divert attention from the true God, Jehovah.—John
8:44-47; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15; Revelation 21:8; 22:15.
9 As we have seen throughout this book, there are common
threads going right through the confused tapestry
of the world’s religions. Many religions have their roots in mythology. Nearly
all are tied together by
some form of belief in a supposed immortal human soul that survives death and
goes to a hereafter or transmigrates
to another creature. Many have the common denominator of belief in a dreadful
place of torment
and torture called hell. Others are connected by ancient pagan beliefs in triads,
trinities, andmother goddesses. Therefore, it is only appropriate that they
should all be grouped together under the one composite
symbol of the harlot “Babylon the Great.”—Revelation
*** w80 3/1 17 After Destruction
of Organized Religion, Which Way? ***
17 We are to expect the destruction of the most influential
section of Organized Religion, namely, Christendom
with all its babel of religious sects and denominations. This
will occur at Jehovah’s unchangeable time.
*** w79 8/1 16 Why Will Christendom
Not Survive? ***
25 Bloodguilty Christendom of today, with her pagan customs,
man-made traditions, and mixture of heathen
philosophies with Bible teachings, will fare no better than her ancient prototype. She will not escape sharing
in the fulfillment of Jehovah’s prophecy: “A great tempest itself will be roused
up from the remotest parts of the earth. And those slain by Jehovah will certainly
come to be in that day from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the
earth. They will not be bewailed, neither will they be gathered up or be buried.
As manure on the surface of the ground they will become.” (Jer. 25:32, 33) No! Christendom will
not survive the impending “great tribulation.” (Matt. 24:1, 2, 21, 22) Moreover, all the rest of the
world empire
of false religion will closely follow her into destruction! |