3/15/98 page 18, par 1
...the Witnesses are dedicated to God not to any legal agency....
3/15/98 page 19, par 3
...the legal corporation and "the faithful and discreet slave" are not interchangeable
terms. Directors of the Watch Tower Society are elected, whereas Witnesses who
make up the 'faithful slave' are anointed by Jehovah's holy spirit.
3/15/98 page 19, par 4
In order to avoid misunderstandings, Jehovah's Witnesses try to be careful about
how they express themselves. Instead of saying, "the Society teaches," many
Witnesses prefer to use the expression as, "the Bible says" or, "I understand
the Bible to teach."...avoid giving the false impression that Witnesses are
somehow bound to the dictates of some religious sect.
3/15/98 page 20, par 7
But as a free moral agent, each one has personally decided to declare the good
news of God's Kingdom, to remain politically neutral, to abstain from blood,....These
are not decisions forced upon them. They are decisions that fall within the
framework of a way of life freely chosen by potential Witnesses before they
ever take the step of Christian dedication.
3/15/98 page 22, par 15
If a Witness makes a decision on the basis of Bible counsel offered by the Governing
Body, he does so of his own volition because his own study of the Bible has
convinced him that this is the proper course.
3/15/98 page 23, par 19
Do not the facts make clear that Jehovah's Witnesses are servants of God, not
slaves of men? ....The evidences of this should erase any uncertainty
about the source of their strength.